Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Student Reporter Program

Share your exchange experience and inspire others

Become a part of our Student Reporter Program and share your exchange year experiences with our community.

You are on your high school exchange and enjoying the best time of your life. You are passionate about sharing your exchange experience with our community. You also like to create exciting content for Instagram, TikTok and other social media channels.

4 Reasons why you should become Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Student Reporter:

Increased visibility

You will be featured on our various marketing channels and can reach more than 100,000 students.

Become an inspiration

Encourage the other students to go on the exchange and explore the world.

Share your Learn for Life experience

Share your exchange stories and become a role model for our new students.

Expand your horizons

Get in touch with our active community from all over the world.

Our selection criteria

  • Currently on a high school exchange program with SCCE.   
  • Passionate to share your high school exchange experiences and guide new students towards their exchange journey. 
  • Share the same passion for exploring and connecting with the world. 

Apply for our ambassador program today!

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