
Flight Surcharge<\/h2>\n\n\n\n
There may be a flight surcharge. How does it work?<\/strong>

We are working with our flight partners to obtain the best flight (including price and route) but we may need to charge a flight surcharge if we cannot obtain a flight within the budget amounts below as per our\u00a0Terms & Conditions<\/a><\/strong>. Please be aware that we cannot accommodate personal requests with regards to changes to flights, times or dates, as flights will adhere to pre agreed programs dates and times, which can include departures from 7am \u2013 10pm depending on the agreed arrival time at the final destination.<\/p> <\/div>

Flight budget included in the program price from Australia to:<\/strong><\/strong>

Europe: AU$3,000
USA: AU$3,200
Japan: AU$2,500
Canada: AU$3,200
South America: AU$3,200
New Zealand: AU$1,200<\/p> <\/div> <\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n


Argentina Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$13,450<\/td>Aug 31,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$12,450<\/td>Aug 31,
Classic Short Program 3 Months <\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$10,750<\/td>Aug 31,
Classic Short Program 2 Months<\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$10,450<\/td>Aug 31,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Canada Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Aug
$29,450<\/td>Apr 30,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Aug
$19,450<\/td>Apr 30,
Classic Short Program 3 Months <\/td>Aug
$15,450<\/td>Apr 30,
Classic Short Program 3 Months <\/td>Nov
$15,450<\/td>Jul 31,
Classic Short Program 2 Months<\/td>Nov
$13,450<\/td>Jul 31,
Classic Calendar Year<\/td>Feb
$34,450<\/td>Sept 15,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Feb
$19,450<\/td>Sept 15,
Classic Academic
$29,450<\/td>Sept 15,
Classic Short Program 3 Months <\/td>Feb
$15,450<\/td>Sept 15,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Denmark Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$15,250<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$13,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Short Program 3 Months 
(on request)<\/td>
Nov 2024<\/td>$12,050<\/td>Jun 30,
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$16,050<\/td>Sept 1,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$13,450<\/td>Sept 1,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Finland Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$12,750<\/td>Aug 31,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$12,050<\/td>Aug 31,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

France Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Arrive<\/strong><\/th>Depart<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Aug 30, 2024 <\/td>Jun 21, 2025<\/td>$12,300<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Aug 30, 2024 <\/td>Jan 20, 2025<\/td>$10,950<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Short Program 3 Months <\/td>Oct 25, 2024<\/td>Jan 20, 2025<\/td>$8,900<\/td>Jul 30,
Classic Short Program 2 Months <\/td>Nov 22, 2024<\/td>Jan 20, 2025<\/td>$8,400<\/td>Jul 30,
Classic Short Program 6 Weeks<\/td>Dec 8, 2024<\/td>Jan 20, 2025<\/td>$8,400<\/td>Aug 30,
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Jan 17, 2025<\/td>Nov 16, 2025<\/td>$12,300<\/td>Aug 30,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Jan 17, 2025<\/td>Jun 22, 2025<\/td>$10,950<\/td>Aug 30,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates are indicative arrivals in the destination.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival dates at the destination and subject to change. They are based on 2023 program dates and serve to help students plan ahead. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n

Germany Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Return<\/strong><\/th>Price <\/strong>
Application <\/strong>
Aug 26,
June 23,
$12,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Jan 13,
$11,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Short
Program 3
Months <\/td>
Oct 21,
Jan 13,
$8,450<\/td>Jun 1,
Classic Short
Program 2.5
Months <\/td>
Jan 13,
$8,450<\/td>Jun 15,
Classic Short
Program 2
Months <\/td>
Jan 13,
$8,000<\/td>Jun 15,
Classic Short
Program 6
Weeks <\/td>
Dec 2,
Jan 13,
$8,000<\/td>Jun 15,
Jan 20,
Dec 1,
$12,450<\/td>Sep 1,
Jan 20,
Jun 13,
$11,450<\/td>Sep 1,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival dates at the destination and subject to change. They are based on 2023 program dates and serve to help students plan ahead. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Ireland Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Depart<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$24,950<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Three Terms<\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$32,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights. This is due to the considerable time and effort it takes to liaise with the travel agent, the overseas partner, and the natural parents\/guardians to agree and make the changes to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Italy Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/th>Arrive<\/th>Depart<\/th>Price AUD<\/th>Application deadline<\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Mid Sep,
Mid Jan,
$10,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Program Academic Year <\/td>Mid Sep,
Mid Jun,
$11,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Short Program 3 Months<\/td>Oct 19,
Jan 11,
$8,950<\/td>May 30,
Classic Short Program 2.5 Months<\/td>Nov 16,
Jan 25,
$8,950<\/td>May 30,
Classic Short Program 2 Months<\/td>Nov 16,
Jan 11,
$8,950<\/td>May 30,
2024 <\/td><\/tr>
Classic Short Program 6 Weeks <\/td>Dec 7,
Jan 18,
$8,450<\/td>Jun 15,
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>Dec
$11,450<\/td>Jul 15,
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>Jun
$10,450<\/td>Jul 15,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Japan Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Mar 2025<\/td>$17,450<\/td>Jun 30,
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Mar 2025<\/td>$15,450<\/td>Jun 30,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

New Zealand Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year  <\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$8,450<\/td>Oct 30,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$7,450<\/td>Oct 30,
Classic Short Program 3 Months <\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$6,400<\/td>Oct 30,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Norway Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$16,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$15,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Calendar Year<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$16,950<\/td>Sept 1,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$15,450<\/td>Sept 1,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

The Netherlands Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Short Program 3 months<\/td>Oct 2024<\/td>$11,450<\/td>Jul 1,
Classic Short Program 2 months<\/td>Oct 2024<\/td>$10,450<\/td>Aug 1,
Classic Academic Year   <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$15,450<\/td>Aug 1,
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$14,450<\/td>Aug 1,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Spain Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year  <\/td>Sept 2024<\/td>$14,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Sept 2024<\/td>$11,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Short Program 3 Months<\/td>Oct 2024<\/td>$10,450<\/td>Jun 15,
Classic Short Program 2 Months <\/td>Nov 2024<\/td>$9,450<\/td>Jun 15,
Classic Academic Year  <\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$15,950<\/td>Aug 31,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Feb 2025<\/td>$11,450<\/td>Aug 31,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Sweden Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$14,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$13,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Short Program 3 Months <\/td>Oct 2024<\/td>$9,950<\/td>Jun 30,
Classic Short Program 2 Months <\/td>Nov 2024<\/td>$8,950<\/td>Jun 30,
Classic Academic Year<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$14,450<\/td>Sept 30,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$13,450<\/td>Sept 30,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

UK Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Short Program 3 months <\/td>Sept 2024<\/td>$15,450<\/td>Apr 30,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Sept 2024<\/td>$16,750<\/td>Apr 30,
Classic Academic Year (10 months)<\/td>Sept 2024<\/td>$34,450<\/td>Apr 30,
Classic Short Program 3 months <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$15,450<\/td>Sep 30,
Classic Academic Semester<\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$16,750<\/td>Sep 30,
Classic Calendar Year <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$34,450<\/td>Sep 30,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

USA Classic High School Prices<\/a><\/h3>\n\n\n\n
Length<\/strong><\/th>Departure<\/strong><\/th>Price AUD<\/strong><\/th>Application deadline<\/strong><\/th><\/tr><\/thead>
Classic Academic Year <\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$14,450<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Aug 2024<\/td>$12,950<\/td>SOLD OUT<\/td><\/tr>
Classic Academic Year <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$14,450<\/td>Jul 31,
Classic Academic Semester <\/td>Jan 2025<\/td>$12,950<\/td>Jul 31,

Applications deadlines are subject to change due to capacity limitations.
Please apply early to secure a place on your preferred program.
Each destination has a budget for flights included in the fee. If flight costs are above this budgeted amount, a Flight Surcharge may apply. Please see Flight Surcharges<\/a> for more information.
Program start dates serve as approximate arrival times at the destination. We will notify you of your confirmed program dates ahead of time to prevent any confusion or inconvenience. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is required to book flights for students to arrive and depart at set times, as stipulated by the overseas partner. A further fee of $300 is required to make any additional changes to the flights for a requested earlier departure or for personal travel at the end of the program. This will be in addition to the airline cost to make any change to the flights.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Check out our socials<\/h2>\n\n\n\n